Friday, January 20, 2012

They Are Legion, They Never Forgive, They Never Forget

Hello Fellow Laughing Gas Addicts.

Today I decided to blog on only one subject and that happens to be the 'hackivist' group known only as Anonymous. These internet outlaws have decided to jump on the Occupy movement in a very different way. If the Occupy Movement would be called the Army then Anonymous is the Air Force, they take to the internet and do what they do best, hack websites.

Lately they went and attacked the FBI website along with the Department of Justice, bringing their sites down and the great government finally got it back up not long ago. Seems like they really don't know what they're doing or what they're dealing with.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the Government really doesn't know how to combat a group like Anonymous, sporting Guy Fawkes masks and taking their message to famous sites like Youtube and Twitter they spread a message of a free world where the poor man is not crushed by the corporate big wigs and the government. They have taken down sites, released the personal information of police officers caught beating peaceful protestors and more stuff then I'd like to get into.

Everything that Anonymous has said they would do they have backed up, they said they would bring down a website, they did it. They said they would help the Occupy Movement, they done it. They hacked a website and stole over one million dollars to donate to charities. I don't hate to say this but it seems Anonymous has the interests of the people in their minds more then the government does.

Their ranks grow by the day, people joining their cause to bring freedom and democracy back to the United States but I can guarantee you this readers, they're not going to stop there. They will take to the globe, correcting everything they see wrong with this world, the United States is a stepping stone to something much bigger and I think this legion has bigger plans in the future but its yet to be seen that they will win this war they are waging on the United States Government.

And how will the Government respond? They can't mass troops to fight a war like they normally would, they will have to fight the battles on the internet, take the fight to Anonymous and beat them at their own game. If the government has any chance of winning a war against these elite hackers then they will have to enlist hackers of their own and hope they are better then who they're fighting. And whats to say that even stops Anonymous, these guys seem to be adapting and evolving as this plays out, when one thing gets compromised they move onto another before they are caught.

Sure the United States Government has arrested suspected ten members of the hacking group but whats to say that they weren't Anonymous at all, just innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. We will have to wait and see what happens in this little cival war readers, it may be quite interesting to watch.

Y'all come back now, you hear?

Laughing Blogger.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ship-wrecked, Lack of Pipeline, Lawyers High and Dry and The winner is...wait, where is she?

Hello Readers, I hope you had a nice yesterday with everything blacked out or offline, yea, I know. It sucked.

So my first topic today is the Cruise Liner that went down near Italy, an act of sheer stupidity. What was that captain thinking!? With 11 dead and even more missing this is a blatant act of murder. The captain knew what he was doing, he knew the lives at stake in his hands and yet he wanted to show off. I say this captain get charged with murder for all the lives that were lost. People need to realize that when they have power they really can't abuse it (Take notes Government.) lives are on the line if you mess up even once and this captain messed up multiple times. He broke so many rules and other people paid the price.

From what the news say this captain was one of the first people on a life boat, what ever happened to that badass from Titanic that went down with his ship, now that guy was a trooper. This captain is a douche enough said.

So our fantastic president has again screwed over a chance for people to get jobs here in the U.S. But half of me agrees with what he has to say this time. Canada wants to construct some pipelines that will lead down to the states to pump oil over to us so we can sell it for them. Depending on what state they wanted to go through is a big factor here. A lot of these states near the border of Canada are huge wildlife habitats and would disturb our furry little friends. I don't agree with disturbing the wildlife as I do like most of them. Bears are epic win. There could have been a different way to go with this as our lovely little overlord has stated but Canada got butt-hurt. The prime minister is heading to China in February to go talk to their Dark Lord and Master. The Canadian Prime Minister now wishes to talk to China about selling Canadian oil to the world. Looks like you fucked us over once again Obama but, as I said before, I kinda don't blame you on this one.


The power to sentence men to death and the power to make them go free. A death row inmate from Alabama is getting a second chance at life because of the screw up of his lawyers and the state itself. The man, Cory Maples was charged with shooting Stacy Alan Terry and Berry Dewayne Robinson II in the back of the head while they slept with a 22-caliber rifle was sentenced to death by a jury of his peers with a 10-2 vote. He appealed, as anyone would do but when the courts went to go follow up on the case his lawyers, two men from Sullivan and Cromwell, a law firm in New York that worked on Maples case for free up and left the firm. When people finally realized what the hell was going on it was too late for an actual appeal to go through. Maples pleaded with the State Court to give him another appeal but the state judge told him it was too late and his appeal was denied.

Then the Justices stepped in. Hearing about the case they ruled over the state court to give Maples another shot at life. They ruled that it was not Maples fault but the lawyers and the state for not following up on anything. So in my words they didn't have any common freaking courtesy to follow up on anything, they sat on their thumbs and waited to see what would happen while playing scrabble and drinking paint thinner.

This type of case pisses me off. Why would anyone just let a guy hanging like that!? I know he committed a crime and he needs to do the time but he should have a right to an appeal, like everyone else but this guy got stuck in a cell and not told anything of whats going on.

Everyone knows the People Choice Awards were on not long ago, it was a nice event where Betty White celebrated her 90th birthday and Katy Perry, famous singer of such songs like ET, Last Friday Night and the overly popular Teenage Dream won five freaking awards for Favorite Female Artist, Tour Headlines and Song of the Year for ET feat. Kayne West (The version without the great interrupter was much better), music video of the year for Last Friday Night and her guest star on “How I met your Mother.”. Now this is all fine and dandy but the real story is, she wasn't even there to accept the awards.

Now its not old news that shes getting divorced right now and most likely didn't know what was going to happen, or she didn't want to get her acceptance speech interrupted by West so her not being there isn't a big deal to me, people have stuff they have to do and can't be everywhere at once, actors are no exception. These guys are ran ragged by everyone and really don't get time to themselves unless their in between work or looking for work (Hows that search going Kayne?)

And this is yet another blog from HaHaImBlogging, I'll be coming to you tomorrow with four more stories that sparked my interest and will be giving my take on them and any updates with these stories that I've put up now. This is HaHaImBlogging sniffing laughing gas while watching the remake of Friday the 13th.

Y’all come back now, you hear?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A New Year, A New Beginning.

So I've decided to follow in the foot steps of so many before me, I'm going to the internet to speak my beliefs and tell people what I personally think about the things happening in the world. I know its kinda selfish to see it like that but I would like my opinion heard as well and I want to also see if people agree with what I have to say.

So today some of the biggest websites are down because of a 'internet rebellion' against SOPA. As I've said on my twitter, I don't blame anyone for wanting to stop the censoring of the internet. Hell, I wouldn't want the internet censored, its the last bastion of sharing among groups of people, SOPA wants to stop piracy...What? The big corporations denying them an ass smacking with a leather flogger? I mean come on!! The government is the ruling body of the country, the sword and shield of the people and all the government seems to listen to is the person with the most money.

The corporations are tired of people getting stuff for free so they're pressuring the government for this act that will be able to send people to court for posting pirated things? Whatever you say Johnny Law. I do hope you realize that you can't stop pirates from doing what they do best. You take down one site, four more will pop up with the same purpose, your trying to fight a hydra with a sword and not knowing how to kill it. Its going to get you nowhere and you'll do what you do best, you'll take the whole internet down and piss everyone off.

There are people who live off of the internet, their job is on the internet because they can't seem to find a job outside of the internet, is that their fault? No, its the fault of people who hire on illegal immigrants. Yes, I'm on that bandwagon as I too have been screwed over by this. I am currently unemployed in one of the worst states in the country. The state of 'get rich anyway you can and don't look back.' I'm talking about California, if you live here you know exactly what I'm talking about. Its just plain horrible here. I know that all the other states aren’t sunshine and rainbows but this place is a festering hell. Unemployment is really high and people on government programs are high as well. The homeless rate is through the roof and all people are worried about is keeping their image. But thats another blog for another day (Sometime this week).

I leave you with this readers.

Don't let the government push you around and tell you what you can and can't do. Its your duty and right to do that to the government. It seems we have forgotten that the government is the servants of the people. Not the other way around. We are not cattle to be told to pay our outrageous taxes and keep the rich where they are at. We are human beings and we demand to be heard!

Keep a smile on your face Readers, it should look up soon.
